America Past And Present 7th Edition Ap Outlines Of Flowers
America Past And Present 7th Edition Ap Outlines Of Flowers For Kids
Themes Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideasexplored in a literary work. The Corruption of Southern Aristocratic ValuesThe first half of the nineteenth century saw the riseof a number of prominent Southern families such as the Compsons.These aristocratic families espoused traditional Southern values.Men were expected to act like gentlemen, displaying courage, moralstrength, perseverance, and chivalry in defense of the honor oftheir family name. Women were expected to be models of femininepurity, grace, and virginity until it came time for them to providechildren to inherit the family legacy. Faith in God and profoundconcern for preserving the family reputation provided the groundingfor these beliefs.The Civil War and Reconstruction devastated many of these once-greatSouthern families economically, socially, and psychologically. Faulknercontends that in the process, the Compsons, and other similar Southernfamilies, lost touch with the reality of the world around them andbecame lost in a haze of self-absorption. This self-absorption corruptedthe core values these families once held dear and left the newergenerations completely unequipped to deal with the realities ofthe modern world.We see this corruption running rampant in the Compsonfamily.
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Compson has a vague notion of family honor—somethinghe passes on to Quentin—but is mired in his alcoholism and maintains afatalistic belief that he cannot control the events that befallhis family. Compson is just as self-absorbed, wallowing inhypochondria and self-pity and remaining emotionally distant fromher children. Quentin’s obsession with old Southern morality renders himparalyzed and unable to move past his family’s sins.
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Caddy trampleson the Southern notion of feminine purity and indulges in promiscuity,as does her daughter. Jason wastes his cleverness on self-pity andgreed, striving constantly for personal gain but with no higheraspirations. Benjy commits no real sins, but the Compsons’ declineis physically manifested through his retardation and his inabilityto differentiate between morality and immorality.The Compsons’ corruption of Southern values results ina household that is completely devoid of love, the force that onceheld the family together. Both parents are distant and ineffective.Caddy, the only child who shows an ability to love, is eventuallydisowned. Though Quentin loves Caddy, his love is neurotic, obsessive,and overprotective.
None of the men experience any true romanticlove, and are thus unable to marry and carry on the family name.At the conclusion of the novel, Dilsey is the only lovingmember of the household, the only character who maintains her valueswithout the corrupting influence of self-absorption. She thus comesto represent a hope for the renewal of traditional Southern valuesin an uncorrupted and positive form. The novel ends with Dilseyas the torchbearer for these values, and, as such, the only hopefor the preservation of the Compson legacy. Faulkner implies thatthe problem is not necessarily the values of the old South, butthe fact that these values were corrupted by families such as theCompsons and must be recaptured for any Southern greatness to return. Resurrection and RenewalThree of the novel’s four sections take place on or aroundEaster, 1928.
Faulkner’s placement of thenovel’s climax on this weekend is significant, as the weekend isassociated with Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrectionon Easter Sunday. A number of symbolic events in the novel couldbe likened to the death of Christ: Quentin’s death, Mr. Compson’sdeath, Caddy’s loss of virginity, or the decline of the Compsonfamily in general.