Able Midi Editor 1 32 Serial Killers
Able MIDI Editor is a powerful inexpensive MIDI editor for Windows based on the piano roll interface. The Editor lets you arrange bar-lines manually or by ear with the Tapping Tool.
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The goal is to prepare even slices for use in an MLR patch - your standard monome beat juggling grid thing, beautifully demonstrated here using a launchpad: my application, i want to be able to crossfade loop these samples, so that i can distort the tempo of the original song and have the samples loop to fill the gaps if the tempo slows solution was to return to Reasamplomatic, which is slowly but surely taking over all of my sampling needs.RS5k doesn't split, and doesn't have bulk editing functions natively. So, we have to trick it and save some fx chainsfirst, i midi learned several params of an instance of rs5k - sample start, sample end, loop start, and xfade length. Now, when i duplicate this one instance, all instances will respond to the same ccs (good for bulk editing and automations).i duplicate this rs5k instance until i have 64 of them. Then, i slice up 64 short clips of silence and name them numerically: 01, 02.64.these are my dummy waves.
They will be replaced when we 'trick' rs5k later. I tediously load each silent wav to its corresponding sampler.
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I only have to do this once - afterwards, i'll just save it as a track template or as a default project.when i save my project, rs5k references the nice 'samples' folder in the project root. What rs5k doesn't realize is that i can swap these samples out for others of the same name without disturbing's where i take the actual sample i'm trying to MLR and use 'slice by grid' to cut it into 64 pieces, then batch convert them to wavs named 01, 02.64. Drop those guys in place instead of the silent wavs, and boom, you've got an extremely granular phrase sampler with bulk cc control over all the important parameters. It can play back your sample perfectly, or exceptionally grainy as you fool with loop length, sample start, etc.all choke groups/etc should be handled via the midi signal using js ahead of the sampler instances: js midi notehold or js midi serial killer work nicely to only allow 1 instance of rs5k to be playing at a time - while preserving any release you may have on the individual instances rather than clipping it as if you had them all on 1 choke group. It gets very difficult to explain these things sometimes.TLDR: create (16/32/64) slices from a sample, crossfade loop them all, and play them back sequentially with the ability to start/continue from any place.the latter part i do in bidule, the former i have been struggling to do quickly/by bulk in softsamplers.-Are you saying you can control the RS5K controls with MIDI?
Or are you referring to something else?yes, for example sample start offset. Adjust the sample start in RS5k and then run a 'learn last touched param' and you can use a CC to control the sample start offset in RS5k. Then, if you duplicate this instance a bunch of time, moving 1 cc will move all of the RS5k instance sample start offsets.this is awesome when you're trying to perform the same param edit to a boat-load of samples of the same length. Shortcircuit, tx16wx can't do this.
Phatmatik pro, discontinued, can do this, but it doesn't crossfade loop. And isn't free.example: imagine this X 64, + crossfade, sample end, loop start, and amp envelope params So here's where i take the actual sample i'm trying to MLR and use 'slice by grid' to cut it into 64 pieces, then batch convert them to wavs named 01, 02.64. Drop those guys in place instead of the silent wavs, and boom, you've got an extremely granular phrase sampler with bulk cc control over all the important parameters. It can play back your sample perfectly, or exceptionally grainy as you fool with loop length, sample start, etc.Please could you kindly explain this part.I can use the three nifty options:- Item dynamic splitting (based on transients)- Explode REX item into beat slices- Split at grid (what you are doing)So that’s a lot of versatility right there.But what then? How do I render and rename (numerically) the slices?I remember some script worked by Tod and one of the super coders, but that was too convoluted for my feeble mind.
1/32 = Mm
Able Midi Editor 1 32 Serial Killers List
Im sure you have a simpler method.By the way, this is a really smart workaround. Could you clarify what you're asking, if this post doesn't explain what you need?But what then?
How do I render and rename (numerically) the slices?file/batch converter. You can batch convert the selected items. Use wildcards to specify item numbers, i of the wildcards listed. It gives you numeric 01, 02. Render these overtop the silent 'dummy' waves, then close and reopen your project.
Now you have the slices loaded up in case you don't get along with wildcards, there's also the excellent bulk rename utility Could you clarify what you're asking, if this post doesn't explain what you need?file/batch converter. You can batch convert the selected items. Use wildcards to specify item numbers, i of the wildcards listed. It gives you numeric 01, 02. Render these overtop the silent 'dummy' waves, then close and reopen your project.
Now you have the slices loaded up in case you don't get along with wildcards, there's also the excellent bulk rename utilityyou sooo much. Tod actually explained this a little while back and i even used it when i shared my bass patch. But then forgot.Reaper is pretty great with soo many options.Btw, have you tried megababy going to tx16wx as a slicer/ mangler?You can send 4 midi cc from megababy ( per step!
) and modulate t 16wx native filter / fx and / or modulate other fx in the chain. Slicing and assigning to midi notes is a breeze in tx16wx. Like a few clicks n tweaks.