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I was working on a project build initialy from the Arduino IDE to program an attiny84a (without a bootloader) using the board fromI got an atmel-ice recently and I was trying to debug the arduino sketch using it.I installed AtmelStudio (because I know it has an GUI debugger) and found VisualMicro that should help me to compile arduino sketch.Unfortunatly as soon as a set the project to debug I got a compilation error: 'Serial' was not declared in this scope(I don't have this error in Release mode).My code doesn't use any serial (because I don't have any pin left), so this was wierd. 'Serial' was not declared in this scopeThis error is not surprising when compiling for ATtiny84 because in Arduino Serial refers to the hardware serial port and ATtiny84.But you didn't use Serial in your sketch so why should you get this error? The answer is this magical debug feature of Visual Micro that you desire. It turns out that on AVR microcontrollers such as your ATtiny84 all this actually consists of is Visual Micro automatically inserting various Serial.print statements into your code, just as we always do manually to debug our code in the good old Arduino IDE:So in fact your sketch is attempting to use Serial without your knowledge or being able to see it! If you turn off debugging you should no longer get that error.Visual Micro does allow you to change the debugging output to software serial:but since you say you have no pins available that may not be any help.