Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission
- Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission Parts
- Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission Fluid
- Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission System
FeaturesThe Pi-Phase mk2 is an accurate reproduction of the original Mu-TronBi-Phase dual phase-shifter, but in a more compact format much moresuited to pedal-boards / live use.The Mu-Tron Bi-Phase is a dual phase-shifter invented and marketed byMusictronics USA in the 70s. It has become well-known and well-loved forit's 'classic' warm and deep sound, as well as the flexibility of it'scontrol and audio-processing capabilities.The Prophecysound Pi-Phase mk2 seeks to accurately reproduce the soundand control layout of the original unit. Design goals for thisreproduction of the Bi-Phase were:. to match, as closely as possible, the sound of the original. to maintain the same or a very similar control layout. to package the pedal in a size and format that would allow it to be used live.
to dispense with the need for a special controller pedal for switching channels on/off, or for controlling pedal sweepThe Pi-Phase mk2 is all-analog and parts-accurate to the original, asmuch as is possible. To our ears, and the ears of many previouscustomers, the Pi-Phase mk2 sounds like the real-deal. How much like it?Original Bi-Phases are pretty old, and some units suffer from partsdrift, lack of maintenance, and lack of calibration; each 'well-gigged'Bi-Phase can easily sound different to the next. With the Pi-Phase mk2we give you 'factory fresh' dual-phaser experience.The control layout was condensed to fit the targeted pedal format,while still providing a clear and understandable way of operating theunit. The original architecture of the dual LFOs / dual phase shiftershas accurately been retained. As per the original, a manual isn't reallyeven needed to explain how the unit works, or what the possibilitiesare.
Repairing a quite battered Bi-Phase. Turned out that this rather obscure Opto-Electric device (Vactrol) didn't work properly anymore, here a couple of shots of the dismantled thing and how I fixed it. Unfortunately the original knobs are no more part of it and replacement is hard to get and expensive. For now, it has to.
The resultant format - a pedal 50mm (2') high, 188mm (7.4') wideand 122mm (4.8') deep - can readily be accommodated on mostpedal-boards. The Pi-Phase mk2 is powder-coated and the labels are madeout of industrial-strength polycarbonate for looks that will resist theworst live gigs have to offer.No special extra foot-switch is necessary to operate the Pi-Phasemk2; true-bypass foot-switching for each individual phase channel isbuilt into the pedal. An expression pedal may be connected to the CVPEDAL socket at the rear of the Pi-Phase mk2; the pot in the expressionpedal should be connected across the sleeve and ring terminals of astereo cable, with the wiper connected to the tip. We recommend anexpression pedal that incorporates a 10k linear pot (e.g. Boss EV-5,EV-7) for optimal performance. Alternatively, you can connect anexternal CV signal in the range of 0-5V for controlling the Pi-Phase mk2from a modular synth or modulation source.
Either method - expressionpedal or CV - allows controlling of LFO speeds and / or manual sweep ofthe phase sections.Each pedal comes with reproductions of the original unit's programcards, including a new preset of Prophecysound design, and some blankprogram cards to record your own settings. A printed manual, withquick-start and detailed information on the pedal, is also supplied. APDF of this manual is available for download at the bottom of this page. Made for the highest qualityThis pedal is manufactured and assembled in Adelaide, SouthAustralia. We believe in working with people we can meet and discuss ourrequirements with face-to-face, and in utilizing local companies tostimulate the economy.
Most importantly, our local manufacturers havemany years of experience, and we trust them to help us produce productsthat are second-to-none in terms of quality and reliability. The Pi-Phase mkII in late 2016 now uses a normal Boss style power supply of 9vDC or 12vDC but requires high current of 300mA or more (DO NOT use a power supply with less current as it can cause damage).
The older ones (pre MK-II) required an external AC power supplyproviding approximately 15VAC (not DC, AC!) with minimum 500ma and a2.1mm barrel plug.Share your knowledge of this product with other customers.Browse for more products in the same category as this item.
Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission Parts
Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission Fluid
I've got an Electro-Harmonix Small Stone. It is what it is - basically a one-trick pony, but a nice trick.The Diamond Halo is a chorus/phaser pedal, but when the mix is set to favor the phaser, it delivers an airy shimmer that is just right when you need the light touch of a 2-pole design.The Moog MF-105 MuRF can be set to yield a lovely shifting watery phase. As each filter bandpass creates a degree of phase-shift, animating through the filters with a low envelope creates a unique random-feeling liquid phase effect.The Lovetone Doppelganger - a twin-oscillator phaser/vibrato that can give animation to sound while seeming very transparent, or seeming quite psychedelic. Pedal control of each LFO, control of low- and high-frequency sweep, resonance, mix, phase/vibrato, and more.
Other people have said.a watery/spacey sound on almost all settings, which I believe gives it the edge for lending subtle texture and depth to otherwise flat sounds.extremely smooth and the phasing can be kind of wont even notice a difference when youre playing, but when you turn off you'll be able to tell immediately that something is missing.a subtle movement to the notes.doesn't overtake your natural tone like other phasers. It works organically with the sound source.And then there is the ProphecySound infinitphase mkII Custom, the unholy spawn of a Mu-Tron Bi-Phase and a zvex Seek Wah, this is a step-sequenced phaser on steroids. My unit is fully-blown with every option: 8 steps, LFO rate/symmetry/shape/depth, sequencer range, lag smoothing, CV mix, audio mix, pos/neg resonance, extended speed LFO, sample & hold, S&H rate, LFO height, pedal control of LFO rate, depth, sequencer range, manual phase sweep, and stereo outs. Yep, truly a phaser mini-synth in a pedal.
Mu Tron Bi Phase Manual Transmission System
While the Lovetone Doppelganger is certainly magical, the ProphecySound infinitphase mkII Custom would have to rank as my favorite phaser because of its degree of control and programmability as applied to its great phasing tone - so much to explore, so many sweet spots, and complex phase effects that nothing else in the analog world delivers.On the digital side of things, I will give credit where credit is due - both the Kurzweil KSP8 and the Eventide H8000FW Ultra-Harmonizer can deliver gorgeous, lush phasing sounds. While I overall prefer analog when it comes to phasing, there are a lot of compelling reasons to use either of these digital tools for the task, summed up simply as modular-level parametric control and superlative sound quality.cheers,Ian. Phaser 'Trick' -Run your phaser with lots of resonance and depth before a Ring Modulator. The sweeping of comb-filters adds this great beautiful movement in frequency spectrum produced by the Ring Mod.I use my Small Stone with the color switch up and the rate around 11 o'clock.On the Moog MF102 I set the mix around 6, Frequency set to High just past the 1k mark, tuned to E.
LFO Depth a little past halfway between 2 and 3, Sine Wave, Rate around.8Run a little bit of analog delay after that, I use a DOD FX90, for a reverbish sound with repeats on the verge of oscillation.This is one of my favorite textural melodic guitar tones at the moment. The deep sweep of the phasor being filtered through the subtle movement of the carrier signal's LFO sounds really dreamy, like bells and gongs echoing and undulating. Phaser 'Trick' -Run your phaser with lots of resonance and depth before a Ring Modulator. The sweeping of comb-filters adds this great beautiful movement in frequency spectrum produced by the Ring Mod.I use my Small Stone with the color switch up and the rate around 11 o'clock.On the Moog MF102 I set the mix around 6, Frequency set to High just past the 1k mark, tuned to E. LFO Depth a little past halfway between 2 and 3, Sine Wave, Rate around.8Run a little bit of analog delay after that, I use a DOD FX90, for a reverbish sound with repeats on the verge of oscillation.This is one of my favorite textural melodic guitar tones at the moment. The deep sweep of the phasor being filtered through the subtle movement of the carrier signal's LFO sounds really dreamy, like bells and gongs echoing and undulating.But there is no 'Mix' on the moog phaser.