Installer Tileproxy 8
Install tileproxy then download and install this program. Enable windows test mode, then restart your computer. Re-run this program and choose sign a system file. The file you want to sign is the Tileproxy driver file. If you dont know where it is then when i get home tonight i will relocate it in my system, should be the same location as yours. Feb 10, 2010 I tried using this program before, and I couldn't seem to get it to work. For example, when I would fly, I couldn't go any faster than 100 knots without the screen looking like a giant blob (low detailed scenery). I have heard people have gotten this program to work while flying over 200-250 knots, but I don't think anyone has gotten past 250 knots yet.
The TileProxy Beta 8 ManualThis online version of the Tileproxy Manual has been posted with the permission of TP authorChristian Buchnerand is maintained and updated by ' author Ed Truthan.Every effort has been madeto insure that the material herein contained has been transferred toHTML format from the original textdocument as accurately as possible. Any errors or omissionsmay be reported to Comments or suggestions concerning the content hereincontained should be addressed to TP/Manual author Christian Buchner at. The TileProxy Project.
EIGTH BETA RELEASE - 30cm Version (October 28 2008).Pack the real world into your GPU.An interface between online map tile servers and FSX / FS9This is a the Beta 8 release of Tileproxy and the fastest Tileproxy release by far. Thetechnology used in the kernel driver has been improved significantly to bring you a crisp andrazor sharp flying experience for most general aviation purposes. In FSX, the outermostscenery ring is now loaded from a BGL file and not through Tileproxy which reduces the numberof individual tiles that make up the scenery by at least one half.
Even jets and turbopropswill work nicely if you fly at cruising altitude.Note that compatibility with Google Inc.' S map servers had to be removed at the explicitrequest of Mike Hearn who is with Google Earth and Maps engineering department.This is unfortunate, but complying to this request was probably the wisest choice to make.Please check this manual to understand what this software does and how it has to beconfigured to run. This program is not fully configured 'out of the box' to keeping theproject out of legal troubles. Configuration of this program may require some basicunderstanding of the web (how to use search engines, how to form URLs) - or try get somehelp from friends and forum members.Quick Link Index01. Simulator Compatibility Chart. Simulator VersionCompatibilityDetail Description of issues:FSX SP1, SP2 and Accelerationin DirectX 9 modeBestEverything should workFSX SP2 and Accelerationin DirectX 10 modeGoodNo moving map supported currently.FSX RTM version(the DVD version)PoorLots of black / water squares may appear close to the aircraft. Working on that.FS 2004 (Century of Flight)MediumA few isolated black squares may appear.No moving map supported currently.Only hard land/water boundaries.Only 4.75m /pixel tiles.FS 2002 (Std.
And Professional)PoorGraphics rendering is interrupted for tile I/O, leading to lots of stutters.Like FS 2004 otherwise.CPU Performance Chart with TileproxyFor a truly satisfying experience you want something like 500 tiles per second in flight withFSX. This is just a rough estimate based on my limited testing experience - your numbersmay vary. In FS 2004 the tiles per second typically matches your frame rate - so get yourframerate up (50-100 FPS) and your performance should be OK.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or Flight Simulator X (perferrably SP1 or later)A 2 Mbit/s Internet connection or faster.A modern PC, ideally with Hyperthreading (P4) or Dual Core CPU (Core Duo, Core 2Duo, Athlon 64 X2 or any dual processor machine).Windows Vista (with UAC disabled) or Windows XP. 64 bit mode on Vista is nowsupported (but very experimental) and this requires unsigned driver support (press F8on boot, select appropriate option in the menu)A 128 MB (or better) graphics card with T&L support.5 Gigabytes of extra hard disk space on the FSX or FS 2004 partition1 GB of RAM installed.Your system swap file should hold 1 GB or more because the project caches a lot ofdata in RAM which may require some swap space on disk.A large (e.g. 24 inch) display running in HD resolution greatly enhances your flyingexperience but it is not a requirement (well for me personally it is!)Installation Guidelines and NotesI would recommend to have Flight Simulator X or FS 9 installed separately an extra partitionwhich is often defragmented (O&O defrag does a good job).The partition should have at least 5GB of extra space and be checked periodically for enoughremaining space. It should be an NTFS format partition, and definitely NOT FAT32.The TileProxy should be installed in the Flight Simulator X program folder (which is the defaultfolder proposed by the TileProxy installer). If Flight Simulator X is not found, the installersuggests the hardcoded location C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFlight Simulator 9instead. It is assumed you want to install the software for Flight Simulator 9 if you do not haveFSX installed. You may need to adjust the installation path to the ACTUAL location where yourFlight Simulator 2004 is installed.Using Tileproxy with both FSX and FS9 is possible, granted that both are on the samepartition (e.g C:Program FilesMicrosoft Games).
Both simulators will then be accessing thesame Tileproxy Photoreal World folder. It is enough to have TileProxy installed in one locationonly. Just make sure that the scenery.cfg for both simulator contain the World entries createdby TileProxy.The installation path must not contain non-ISO characters that cannot be encoded with 8bits (typically Windows Codepage 1252). It accellerates the loading of Tileproxy textures into Flight simulator significantly.The LOD8 photo scenery is only active while Tileproxy is running. While it is not running, the ringis rendered transparently and the standard scenery appears.Some frequent Problems and SolutionsProblem: I see a lot of 'unable to resolve host' messages and TileProxy tries connects to aserver called The source statement in ProxyUser.INI specifies the 'Acme Globe Service', whichis a FICTIONAL map service to illustrate the program's configuration. Please search helpfor configuring Tileproxy for actual services somewhere on the Internet.
The Example entriesshould give a few clues, you just have to figure out some parts yourself.Problem: Tileproxy tries to connect to a server called andfails to do so ( either 'unable to resolve host' or 404 error ).Solution: You probably copied a ProxyUser.INI file from some Internet forum or from an E-Mail and got a line-break inside the moduleconfig statement. As a result, the moduleconfigstring cannot be read and the network access module uses its default setting - which happensto be sure the moduleconfig is a single-liner (disable word wrap in your text editor andremove the line break. Also make sure the moduleconfig string is enclosed in double quotes.Problem: I see a lot of 'redirect', Timeout and 'Giving up' messages.Solution: You ended up being blacklisted by the online service for overuse. You can wait forabout 12 hours or you can try to obtain a new IP address by resetting your DSL modem.Also it may help to insert a conn=20 or conn=10 in the moduleconfig statement ofsaid online service to reduce the number of simultaneous connections to their server. Thisreduces the chance of getting blacklisted again.If you are unable to change the IP, during the 'blackout phase', you can access a differentservice.Problem: Transfers for high resolution tiles are slow, I am getting a lot of timeout messagesand often the transfers fail.Solution: Your Internet connection bandwidth seems to be significantly slower than 2 MBit/s.Insert (or modify) the rate statement in the moduleconfig string for your preferred service tospecify for example rate=0.5 (if you have 500 kbit/s) or rate=1.0 (if you have 1 MBit/s). Alltimeout values will then be adjusted.You can also lower the conn=20 statement in moduleconfig to something like conn=10 orconn=5 to reduce the number of simultaneous transfers.Problem: I want to use dialup with Tileproxy, can you tell me how to do that?Solution: This is crazy.
But try this:moduleconfig='conn=1 rate=0.0288.' Bulkextend=0Try running this overnight or while you are at work. And I suggest you download an add-onplane that doesn't move.
How about flying a tethered balloon?Problem: I get an Exception=5 eror message, when I start Tileproxy and it has connectedto Flight Simulator X (RTM DVD version). All downloaded tiles appear in a low resolutionand are blurred.Solution: You have probably downgraded your FSX from SP1 after Tileproxy has beeninstalled. Reinstall Tileproxy.I am shipping two binaries of TileProxy, one for the RTM version - another one for the SP1version of FSX. During installation the matching binary is selected. If you mix the TileProxySP1 binary with the RTM version of FSX, there is a version mismatch because of theSimConnect DLL version used. This can occur when you downgrade your FSX SP1 to theRTM version by uninstalling the SP1. Then you need to reinstall Tileproxy.Troubleshooting and MaintenanceIf you appear to have problems loading the texture at a given location, try saving your flightand going into the FSX scenery library dialog.
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Then don't change anything but justacknowledge the dialog with OK. FSX will rescan the scenery library and flush its texturecache. Then try loading your flight again. Alternatively make use of the 'Rebuild Scenery'action of Flight Simulator X, which is available in the Controls section of FSX and does nothave a key or button assignment by default.If you have strange discoloration effects in some terrain tiles, you may want to considerturning the 'colorhack' option in ProxyUser.INI to 'No'. The algorithm decides on a per pixelbasis whether colorization is required based on a built-in threshold. Sometimes it decides thatpixels of coloured terrain tiles also require extra colorization and brightness adjustments.
Turnthat option to 'No', execute the cleanup.bat script in the 'TileProxy Photoreal World' folderand reload the flight.If your 'TileProxy Photoreal World' folder gets too full, consider running the cleanup.bat scriptinside. This will erase all BMP tiles, but keeps the scenery definitions (BGL files) intact. Thetiles will be re-created as needed by TileProxy from the cache.You might want to erase your cache folders for the individual map service from time to time.If Tileproxy consumes too much memory after an extended flight, consider terminating itand restarting it.For best performance, keep defragging the partition you operate TileProxy on as it willcontinuously create files and keep changing their file sizes. This can lead to a very fragmentedhard drive after a few days of operation.Improving Terrain Loading Performance in FSXStarting with FSX SP1 Microsoft's Flight Simulator X spawns multiple child threads that willoccupy all of the CPU cores multi-core PCs. These additional threads are used to accelleratescenery and tile loading and processing. The first core always performs the graphics renderingand each additional core will trigger load requests for terrain tiles.
Install Tileproxy In P3d
Therefore a quadcore chip may show up to three times the tile loading speed of a single and dual core PC.However I recently found a really unfortunate bottleneck in this system: The other cores sendtheir I/O requests back to the first core, where they are responded to by a thread fiber thatperforms all non-graphics rendering related tasks. So essentially the other cores may end upwaiting for the first core to return the graphics data.
You can nicely see this in Task Managerwhen you enable the “Show Kernel Times” option. Most of the time the other cores spendtheir time in a busy loop (spinlock?) in the kernel, waiting for the I/O requests in the first fibersto complete.To improve performance of that fiber on the first core, lock your frame rates to something like12 to 15 FPS. Alternatively increase your FIBERFRAMETIMEFRACTION to values around1 and also lock your frame rates.Despite these shortcomings, Tileproxy can obtain the highest performance on Quad corechips.
That is 1600 tiles per second in the initial loading phase and about 1000 per secondduring flight. In contrast my dual core laptop does about 1000 per second in the initial loadingphase and 300-400 tiles per second during flight. These numbers directly translate to terrainupdate performance in flight.
If your tiles per second numbers are low, don't expect a fastscenery update when flying fast aircraft – even when ProxyUser seemingly keeps up loadingthe LOD rings, FSX still may not be updating the rings fast enough. You really need numbersthat show several hundred of individual accesses per second.Consider placing the Flight Simulator's 'Rebuild Scenery' action to one of your joystickbuttons (or key commands). By default this action has no keyboard or joystick assignment. Itforces the simulator to reload its scenery and as a result, everything should be crisp and clear.This is a good thing for taking screen shots.Using the 'target frame rate' option in the graphics settings in conjunction with theFIBERFRAMETIMEFRACTION near or above 1.0 in FSX.cfg results in an effective framerate that is much lower than targeted. However the Tileproxy process will be loading sceneryreally fast. You can observe the 'individual tiles per second' reading of proxyUser.exe duringflight in Windowed mode, it will show really high values then.
When you check the “optimizefor high airspeed” option in the installer, a 0.66 fiber frame value will be used in the FSX.cfgfile.Performance Issues with Flight Simulator X Service Pack (SP1, SP2, Acceleration)For many users, the RTM version of Flight Simulator seems to have better performance inupdating terrain tiles than the SP1 version. Some users get blurred terrain after some minutesof flying – no matter if they are using default terrain, third party photoscenery addons orTileProxy. Only some users have problems with this, on other systems FSX behaves just fine.At this point, no one knows what actually causes the problems.Do not expect Tileproxy to perform any better than what you get with your SP1 installationprior to installing TileProxy. If other photoscenery addons don’t work well with SP1 on yourmachine, Tileproxy will run into the same problems.Some people may get lucky and get a good performance with SP1, others don’t.For some people, deinstallation of SP1 has solved their terrain blurriness. Consider this as alast resort if all “tweaks” of configuration settings fail.SP1 deinstallation instructions1. From the Windows Start menu, run Control Panel and select Add/remove programs.2. In the list, locate Microsoft Flight Simulator X3.
Tick (check) the Show Updates box at the top of the window.You should now see SP1 as a separate item.4. The program should reside in the task tray and we need to drop the ugly DOS box assoon as possible.
This is definitely the last major release having a console window.Create a graphical configuration utility and GUI for Tileproxy.Move the caching and disk storage strategy away from individual BMP files in favorof caching entire LOD tiles (further speed gains expected).Ability to quickly turn off the photo terrain coverage to fall back to default scenery froma user interface. Possibly selectable by geographic area (e.g. For individual continents)Ability to auto-select different online services by geographic area and based on userpreference. Falling back to default scenery in selected regions.Improve Moving Map to show airports (4 letter airport codes) or city names, possiblyalso a compass.Show LOD circles and tileproxy performance metrics next to the moving map.Tap further into FSX by hooking functions like the threading and fiber API or the fileI/O APIs. Maybe the filesystem driver will no longer be needed and the tile I/Ocan be accelerated further. PILOTs - FS Global 2008FSGenesis - World Terrain Mesh for FSXFSQuality - A Better WorldFor a mesh of the Canary Islands, try to download CanarySim V2.0 (available in 2008?). Ifyou make the TileProxy World folders have higher priority than the CanarySim sceneryfolders, you can use TileProxy texture on top of their excellent meshes and you keep theairport and custom autogen they provide!A software company called Apollo Software offer a product called FS AirMap, a moving mapgauge (or panel) for FSX that can display either ICAO or topographic maps inside FSX.
Thisis very helpful as a navigation aid, especially if you can read ICAO maps. The only problem isthat it isn't using vector maps, and hence the text rotates with the map if you don't always usethe 'north up' map display.A product called FS Altitude offers photo scenery at up to 14m/pixel that covers the outermostLOD rings.
This is currently available for Central Europe and soon for the USA. It complementsTileproxy nicely, as it replaces the slowly loading outermost LOD levels with pre-renderedphoto scenery.
The inner LOD levels will remain FSX default - or can be filled by Tileproxy.Scouting the area before choosing a flying locationConsider comparing the image quality of your map services on one of the following web sites.These allow side-by-side comparisons. Zoom in all the way to verify that there is goodcoverage where you intend to fly.
Good Locations to fly atGenerally all locations with hilly terrain look amazing. Flat areas look mostly.
Whilethe textures may be good quality a flat terrain simply has not much appeal even with a highresolution phototexture slapped onto it.One of the major online map services just recently acquired all of Switzerland in highresolution, so you may want to fly out from Sion or Interlaken. Install a third party terrain meshat high resolution for maximum effect. The Eiger Nordwand (a notoriously dangerous climbingspot) is really steep and the glaciers near Sion look amazing. And global warming reallydoesn't have that much effect on phototerrain (unless the service keeps updating theirphotos).The Grand Canyon is also gorgeous. Start at Grand Canyon Natl.
Park Airport and head northand be prepared for a big WOW. The quality of the visuals depends on the service you chose.Hint: The USGS aerial survey data on one particular service doesn't quite look as good as thereal deal on the other big player. The default terrain mesh of FSX is quite good at that theGrand Canyon.The island of Oahu, Hawaii is pretty well covered by satellite imagery. Its geology and beautyis astounding. You might want to take a flight from Dillingham Field on Oahu and circle aroundthe island a bit. The views land-inward are incredible.Some major cities have good aerial photo coverage on the major services. Flying over thesecities can be an exceptional experience, in particular if you have been to the city before andyou can recognize places.
Salt Lake City in Utah for example looked very nice to me andfortunately you could not smell the lake at all in FSX. So does Mountain View, California takingoff from NASA’s Moffett Field (try some barnstorming of the NASA hanger for extraenjoyment).Personally I like desert areas and canyons. Having travelled some of these areas in the USAin allterrain vehicles myself, I also enjoy exploring them from the virtual air. The geology isamazing and you can start counting individual rocks, gullies and bushes.
Generally, all airportscontaining the name 'canyon' in the western United States (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona,Colorado) might be worthwhile exploring. You might also want to research the locations of theNational and State parks in the US and pick airports nearby. It is a humbling experience tosee the almost 'the real thing' from the air and to experience the grandeur of this landscape.Rottnest Island in Australia is an absolute stunner with the new watermasking feature usingthe blending mode.
No cars allowed on this island, so bring either your bike or your Ultralite.Keep in touch in the forums and start exchanging superb locations. Share the fun!KNOWN PROBLEMS in this relase version:- No longer contacts any servers in the The FSX compatible LOD8 scenery ring may have distinctly different water colorsand more coarse water masks than the tiles served through Tileproxy.- With water masks enabled, some LOD tiles will not upload properly to the driver.This is a bug resulting in massive slowdowns in some areas. If you get hit by thisbug disable water masks alltogether. Fixing this is high on my priority list.- The 'color hack' option is currently broken. Fixing this is high on my priority list.- Vista compatibility still may be problem. The cache manager in the vista kerneluses a more aggressive caching of the files. This can lead to unfortunateeffects, like crisp tiles suddenly blurring again, or tiles sometimes corruptingin mid flight.- FSX RTM version currently has a problem with this release, as black or watertiles appear next to the aircraft.
Maybe a future point release (e.g. Beta 7.1)will fix it. But I think most users will have switched to SP1 or SP2 already,as many addons now require it. So fixing this is not a high priority for me rightnow.- Vista users should DISABLE USER ACCOUNT CONTROL to make Tileproxywork.
Vista 64 bit users also must press F8 during boot and allow unsigned driversfrom the Windows boot menu.- Some stutters may occur on single core CPUs, especially with water maskor post colorization enabled. Also the new terrain preloading during flight canlead to stutters on these CPUs.- Disk space usage is still not monitored or controlled by Tileproxy, so pleasestay on top of things yourself and occasionaly clean up your world folderand use the service cache browser to clean up unwanted data.- The API hooking technique may cause occasional instability while Tileproxyis running. I have seen tasks like Vista's 'Desktop Window Manager' fail onoccasion, as well as about 1 out of 10 times my FSX crashes on me on start.I will try hard to improve the stability of this feature in the future.END OF MANUAL.
Amazing program, I love it but it is, as the description states, intended for experienced audiences. Still, for those who are brave enough or curious I'd recommend giving it a try. Ed Truthan's website and guide will help you get it set up ( edtruthandotcom/tileproxy/tutorial/index.htm ).
I am certainly interested in the compatibility with P3D. As of yet, there has been no progress with getting TP fully working with P3D. For those of you interested, see here: forum.avsimdotnet/topic/371741-tileproxy-and-p3d/. For those of you who don't know what P3D is, see here: en.wikipediadotorg/wiki/LockheedMartinPrepar3D.